Thursday, August 19, 2010

Susan G. Komen Chicago Race for the Cure

Hey Everyone,

It just dawned on my to post this here ever have that happen to you. You've been doing something for a while, and then something that seems so simple, so obvious dawns on you. Like an anvil dropped from 17th floor scaffolding?

Well it just happened to me.

I'll be taking part in the Susan G. Komen Chicago Race for the Cure® in Grant Park on Saturday, September 25.

My mom fought off Breast Cancer a few years back, and we've been taking part every year.

If you feel like making a contribution to the cause please use the link below.

1 comment:

  1. Trên thị trường hiện nay có rất nhiều
    Sàn gỗ nhập khẩu
    nhưng để phân biệt sàn gỗ loại nào tốt thì người dùng thường lựa chọn theo nhà sản xuất, nguồn gốc, thương hiệu…
