Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mission Of Burma Live Milestone Charlotte NC Nov 14th 1981

Mission Of Burma Live Milestone Charlotte NC Nov 14th 1981

Sound quality is 'A', leans towards 'B' but for an AUD recording it's pretty top rate.

So it begins and as I've promised to some, the lost Mission Of Burma sessions, live and radio concerts, granted I'm sure there's more out there but this is what I have, I have a total of 14 to share.

I'm not going to bother with a review of each one because they're all great. Mission Of Burma was one of the best live outfits out there back in the early 80s for sheer intensity they brought every night and the quality of play mixed with chaos and energy. I got to see them once, I was a kid. No I wasn't at any of the shows I'll be posting.

Over the past few years they've been putting out lps and and playing some gigs. I can state that the lps are great but haven't seen them live, don't know why really, matter of fact since they reformed I've never been aware of them coming to my city though I'm sure they have. Maybe I should be paying more attention to these things? ... Nah ...

And lastly you'll see I've reused some images for the radio sessions and live shows this is for 2 reasons, 1 there wasn't a lot of MoB images out there I liked on the interwebthingie and 2 due to point 1 these are the images I liked.

Mp3 audio source: mp3

Covers (single imageitunes/winamp) created by me, thanx original photographer.

01 New Nails
02 Weatherbox
03 Mica
04 Thats How I escaped My Certain Fate
05 Secrets
06 Thats When I Reach For My Revolver
07 Playland
08 Peking Spring
09 Panning For Lead
10 Foreign Country
11 Term Two
12 Laugh the World Away
13 This Is Not A Photograph
14 Academy Fight Song
15 Red
16 Ballad Of Johnny Burma


  1. a rare one, for sure.
    will add it to the archives.
    a memorable night if only cuz it was the first time I ever heard minor threat (was on their jukebx)

  2. btw, i am cc (basser) from mob

  3. cc, nice to meet you!

    Thanx for all the great music over the years. As a fellow basser myself, nice playing.

    I hope these shows will meet MoBs approval, and that people dl them like crazy and MoB lps sales spike out the roof! <;-)

    Serious honor to meet you Clint even if it is over the web, all the best to you.

  4. also, if any of the info for these are wrong please let me know as I got these all from another source.
