Wednesday, February 18, 2009
New Model Army Live Temple Music Center Dublin 2005
New Model Army Live Temple Music Center Dublin 2005
Sound quality is 'A'.
Mp3 audio source: mp3 -> ian mcdonnell
2 part post
Covers (single image-itunes/winamp) created by me, thanx original photographer.
This is not my rip and I've not had the chance to give this a proper listen, the
original ripper didn't label the tracks
with their names but I can tell you there are
24 audio tracks
and it most likely carries similar set list as other 2004-2006 shows.
UPDATE !!! track list from the source, as I've still not listened to this all the way through is as such:
Over The Wire / The Charge / Water / Fate / Wonderful Way To Go / Carlisle Road / Another Imperial Day / Here Comes The War / Snelsmore Wood / Ocean Rising / Island / 51st State / No Rest / Purity / Poison Street / Get Me Out / Long Goodbye / Green And Grey / Vagabonds / 125 Mph
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