Thursday, February 12, 2009

But Alive Live 1994

But Alive Live 1994

Sound quality is 'A'.

Live show from the middle of But Alives career, and though I like all their records I felt their best lp was their last "Hallo Endorphin" and highly recommend it. I wish I had a show or 2 from the "Hallo Endorphin" time period but I don't.

If you seek out their webshite you'll find 2 really niffy pre But Alive singles, their demo tape and a work by Markus that I think was post But Alive, if you have a problem tracking it down view their wiki page, But Alives webshite is in German but its not rocket science and really, well its pretty simple to look at the words in Deutsch and figure out the basics to nav around, just click their 'mp3' link.

Mp3 audio source: mp3

Cover art created by the name in the lower right hand corner, type setting by me.

01 Für Immer 16
02 Niemand Schafft Das Allein
03 Sie War Sie Ist Sie Bleibt
04 Korrekt
05 Nie Mehr Zurück
06 Grau
07 Gerechtigkeit
08 Nennt Es Wie Ihr Wollt
09 Perverse Zeiten
10 Weisst Nur Was Du Nicht Willst
11 Nur Idioten Brauchen Führer / Eetz Dich Hin
12 Keine Gegensätze
13 Krieg Keinen Frieden

1 comment:

  1. I´ve just now uploaded a live Tape from '93. What a coincidence ^^

