As requested both
have been reposted.
got a new pc for xmaz so the ripping will be a few more days. i got a mac so i have to figure it out.
stay tuned
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
So Everyone Knows

Punx not dead (well ok kinda) but the blogs not dead .... I've just been busy doing other stuff and haven't had the motivation to really get around to ripping and encoding any tapes or vinyl recently.
That will change sooner or later.
So please feel free to stop by ever so often and one day you'll be surprised with free tunes!
Friday, August 20, 2010
New Model Army Live Berlin 05-11-1990

New Model Army Live Berlin 05-11-1990
Sound quality is 'B+'.
Sorry central air went out so keeping this short, wanted to post this over the weekend and I'll be replacing central air & furnace unit all day tomorrow.
Side 2 lost some volume levels in the master, not too sure why. I didn't add volume to it. Its sound was good and I wanted to retain the clarity of the recording and not create anymore degradation of the source tape.
Mp3 audio source: cassette (thanx again to Raf)
Covers (single image-itunes/winamp) created by me, thanx original photographer.
01 225
02 innocence
03 Love Songs
04 Luhrstaap / Green & Grey / Vagabonds
05 Stupid Questions
06 Get Me Out
07 Archway Towers
08 Smalltown England
09 51st State
10 I Love the World
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Susan G. Komen Chicago Race for the Cure
Hey Everyone,
It just dawned on my to post this here ever have that happen to you. You've been doing something for a while, and then something that seems so simple, so obvious dawns on you. Like an anvil dropped from 17th floor scaffolding?
Well it just happened to me.
I'll be taking part in the Susan G. Komen Chicago Race for the Cure® in Grant Park on Saturday, September 25.
My mom fought off Breast Cancer a few years back, and we've been taking part every year.
If you feel like making a contribution to the cause please use the link below.
It just dawned on my to post this here ever have that happen to you. You've been doing something for a while, and then something that seems so simple, so obvious dawns on you. Like an anvil dropped from 17th floor scaffolding?
Well it just happened to me.
I'll be taking part in the Susan G. Komen Chicago Race for the Cure® in Grant Park on Saturday, September 25.
My mom fought off Breast Cancer a few years back, and we've been taking part every year.
If you feel like making a contribution to the cause please use the link below.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
New Model Army Live Berlin June 6th 1987

New Model Army Live Berlin June 6th 1987
Sound quality is 'A / B+'. Pretty damn good recording
Excellent show, sounds like the boys had lot of energy for the night, but then when do they not?
Great intro from a great movie.
14 songs total. I let a few run together, they just flow better that way I felt.
Mp3 audio source: cassette (german radio broadcast) (thanx Raf)
Covers (single image-itunes/winamp) created by me, thanx original photographer.
01 A Fistful Of Dollars (Intro)
02 My Country
03 Lights Go Out / Notice Me
04 Master Race
05 the Price / Running In the Rain
06 Waiting
07 Ballad
08 Lovesongs / the Hunt
09 Poison Street
10 Young Gifted & Skint
11 51st State
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
New Posts
new Posts coming soon.
Recently I had the honor of moving my daughter back in to my house, it is a great relief to have her back with me.
So been busy.
Currently have 3 Queen Adreena shows, 1 Rubythroat show and 2 New Model Army shows ript and just need to be cleaned up, mp3'ed and tagged.
I tried to get to at least one of them last night but it didn't happen.
SO stayed tuned
Recently I had the honor of moving my daughter back in to my house, it is a great relief to have her back with me.
So been busy.
Currently have 3 Queen Adreena shows, 1 Rubythroat show and 2 New Model Army shows ript and just need to be cleaned up, mp3'ed and tagged.
I tried to get to at least one of them last night but it didn't happen.
SO stayed tuned
Friday, May 7, 2010
New Model Army Live Marquee London June 20th 1984

New Model Army Live Marquee London June 20th 1984
Sound quality is 'A', well this depends on what you're looking for, if you want to hear Stuarts bass it's a friggin A+ if you want to hear Justin singing or Rob dummin' its a C. It's kinda like a Stuart Morrow show with minor accompaniment by Justin and Rob. Mind you thats not what it's supposed to be but that's how it was recorded, I doubt on purpose.
I did this tape because it was supposed to have a 1982 demo session on it that included Waiting, Tension, Dreaming and I Wish, it turns out that it was an excerpt from Keighley Funhouse 1981, which is posted here.
I was pretty excited to be able to have another version of Dream/ing.
The tape also included this live show.
Now if like me the main thing that really got you going about NMA way back was Stuarts playing then this show will make you pretty happy (see above) but it does remind us that Stuart liked to do some over dubbing, as any live Stuart ear show would teach, so we don't get all the goodies of the bass lines nor do we get Justin's guitar, almost a baritone guitar style of playing on this set because of how it was recorded.
There is also some wizz bang breathing heavy into a mic that this recording is feeding off of.
The limitation with capping from cassette and not a mutli channel recording is well crap like that, at first I thought it was the original taper or maybe Justin or Stuarts mics but I don't think it is, it's not always present and when it is only between songs.
I tried to really remix this but I'm not engineer genius, most of my studio exp comes from me being recorded and going into the mixing room and getting my hand slapped for touching knobs. Whats this do? .... heh ...
I do know a lil bit and multi source mixed into 2 channels is a pain to edit. I eventually decided to do hiss and noise reduction and leave the huffer alone.
I also tried to get Justin's voice a bit more clear but it was really at the expense at the depth of the bass so I dropped that idea and Robs drumming and Justin's guitar is pretty much unchangeable.
So having really enjoyed the bass show I opted to just clean up the noise and leave it pretty much alone.
Aside from that great track listing before No Rest For the Wicked album was issued show casing what seems to be the tracks from that album that must have been already fully written.
So for all paying attention, here's one more cassette done. <;-)
Mp3 audio source: cassette (thanx Raf)
Covers (single image-itunes/winamp) created by me, thanx original photographer.
01 Christian Militia
02 Notice Me
03 No Greater Love
04 Lib Ed / Bittersweet
05 the Price
06 Sex
07 No Mans Land
08 Running In the Rain
09 Ambition (Justin Solo)
10 Grandmothers Footsteps
11 Young Gifted & Skint
12 Spirit Of the Falklands
13 Smalltown England
14 Vengeance
15 Crowd / Betcha
Thursday, April 29, 2010
New York Alcoholic Anxiety Attack the Collection EP

New York Alcoholic Anxiety Attack the Collection EP
Sound quality - this is a collection of demos so it varies, the 1st 2 tracks have some tape his but are clean not muffled and after that it's pretty much a professional sounding session.
All tracks are form the CD except Lullaby Us which is new and added here as a bonus. it's my personal favorite track.
The cd has been give away free by the band, my pressing is the 2nd and from what I understand from the demo folder on their myspace page had seen 4 pressings.
Lullaby Us has been offered to people on the bands mailing list as a free download twice in the recent past. If you dig these guys get on their mailing list (see links below) for updates and the like.
This cd is being hosted by me with consent from the band. They decided to not give the cd away any more and I asked if it would be ok to host it here. They said yes. (thanx guys)
They are getting ready to issue a full length album produced by Justin Sullivan (of New Model Army) and in case you didn't notice Joolz also does their art, and might be their manager too I dunno but she seems pretty devoted to this band.
Justin and Joolz support is understandable, NYAAA really brings it. I'm hoping NMA bring them here on their next tour.
With a sound that at times reminds me of early NMA (I mean that as a compliment) and other times not at all, I highly recommend this set of demos to anyone who likes the styles of music on this blog, for NYAAA seem to embody the spirit we seek.
A great place to start is the bonus track Lullaby Us taken from their upcoming album entitled Sunriders.
Art work taken from their myspace page, is the same artwork of the cd I am luckily enough to own, sent to me by the awesome folks at the NMA shop with an order some time ago.
01 Guns & God
02 Sunriders
03 Rainbows & Rust
04 Breathe
05 Sacrifice Love
06 In the Light
Bonus Track
07 Lullaby Us
For those still asking "dude wheres the new NMA boots?" I have 2 ript but am having a hard time getting the mix ok, I am working on them, 2 are demo sets with a few goodies on there and I want to get the sound as good as I can .. My plan is to have them up here with in the next week .... life permitting.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Radio Berlin Recorded Works 1998 - 2003

Sound quality is 'A'.
Radio Berlin, if we want to talk about over looked bands, if we want to talk about bands that deserve in the light of justice and truth to be given their proper due my 1st example since they broke up in 2004 has been Radio Berlin.
Sure anyone who knows me has heard me speak of plenty of bands that deserve some just due and most of them have it on one level or another and would we (who ever 'we' are) or I (got a decent grasp on who 'I' as in 'me' is .. or perhaps not and maybe thats half the fun) want these bands to get that type of spot light from every tom dick and dave mathews band loving sheep no taste tool around? A quick siting of Janes Addiction would bring most of us to a firm "No".
But I' not going on about the New Model Armys or Southern Death Cults of the world, bands most educated music lovers have at least heard of, I'm talking about the Positive Noise and the Organs, the Radio Berlins of the world.
Names when I say to people who are educated look at me and go "who". And sadly and excitingly as a music lover it's always a rush when someone who you feel understands what music means to you can actually turn you on to a band you don;t know squat about. Sad for the band but great for those of us who get to add a new group into our personal mix.
So I post Radio Berlin out of love and respect, and I used to get to talk to Jack every now and again thru the interweb thing and I used to kinda do a lil thing on some corner on the interweb thing about new sounds and I did include Radio Berlin and always had the support of the band in doing so. Maybe this post will spark hugh sales and they'll reform ... no no dont wake me up it's pretty cool here right now.
You my ask, well who was this Radio Berlin and in all truth it would depend on the era within the band, they did have a shifting about of members but only 2 and only the once from what I understand.
They formed from a few defunted Vancourver bands (that I had never heard of until I heard Radio Berlin) and for the 1st 4 or so years it was Jack Duckworth git/keys/vocs, Chris Frey bass/vocs, Warren Hill keys/piano and Joshua Wells drums/git/keys for a year or so it was Jack Duckworth, Chris Frey, Brad MacKinnon drums and Lyndsay Sung keys/piano and then for the last 2 years or so Joshua Wells re joined the band.
I don't know if Brad ever had any material recorded and put on an album, but Joshua was/is one hell of a fuckin drummer. Focus on the drums in Aftermath for ref point #1 ... amazing.
Radio Berlin is rumored to have quite a few singles in the UK but I know of none really, so if anyone has info on them drop a line, here is their discography as I know it to be (Keep in mind I got into these guys in 2001 with the the lp Selection Drone)
1998 Self Titled cassette only release
1999 Sibling
2001 Selection Drone
2003 Sister Sounds
2003 Glass
(In 2003 Action Driver reissued both the 1998 Self Titled, 1999s Sibling & 1999s Heart Of Industry 7in as a 2 cd package.)
1999 Heart Of Industry 7in
1999 Split with Kid Commando, Radio Berlins song on this is great and I will rip it anmd post it soon but Kid Commandos songs are I think all renditions of the same song and suuuuuck.
There was to be a CDEP in early 2004 that never saw the light of day, for some time I made it my job to email the company who was to issue the EP to see when and keep the pressure up but to mine and many others disappointment it never came out, Radio Berlin disbanded and it was shelved.
I have tried over the years to get Jack to send me mp3s of the tracks just so I can hear them, but they are not fully mixed tracks and for some reason, be it legal or what not he's never sent them along. Bummer...
It's been a little over a year now since I talked to Jack, I know he and others have moved onto other projects and I used to have them all written down to look into but have since lost the paper so I can't at the moment be of any help in that department.
I'll admit I was a big supporter of the band and would email support pretty often but alas Jack once told me after the band was over "wrong time in the space of time" but I disagree, with all the "Post Punk" shit out there over the last decade, some good and some just a horrid embarrassment, Radio Berlin were in the proper space, they, like may 'REAL' bands were just that, seekers of a truth that only the 1% are also after, the other 99% are just tools.
So we lost another great band to mass media of the interweb age.
It took me some time, media fire only allows for 100 meg files and I wanted to keep this to 1 zip file so it was hard to pick the tracks but .....
For your listening and spiritual freedom pleasure I present to you ..... Radio Berlin.
Mp3 audio source: cds
Thanx to the photog.
01 Aftermath (Glass 2003)
02 A Suitcase (Glass 2003)
03 Change Your Mind (the Selection Drone 2001)
04 Eyes Like Lenses (the Selection Drone 2001)
05 All Systems Go (Der Nacht Version) (1998 Self Titled issued with 1999s Sibling)
06 Gauze (Glass 2003)
07 Hyphen (Glass 2003)
08 I Want To Fall In Your Garden (Sibling 1999)
09 My One Voice (Sibling 1999)
10 Selection Drone (the Selection Drone 2001)
11 Rote Lippen (Glass 2003)
12 Sequence Is Over (the Selection Drone 2001)
13 Sibling (Sibling 1999)
14 Twelve Fingers (the Selection Drone 2001)
15 Stroke (Clubland Ver) (Mixt by Radio Berlin) (Sister Sounds 2003)
16 16 Radio Berlin - Twelve Fingers (Mixt by Epidemic) (Sister Sounds 2003)
((((((((((((And to anyone paying attention, yes the pc is working and I was able to get my sound editing software back on the pc, not tested yet but really it should be ok ... so I do have 3 NMA tapes set up to be processed over the next week as long as the Stanley Cup Playoffs allow me to get them done <;-) GO BLACKHAWKS!!!)))))))))))
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Public Image Ltd. Studio Rehearsals 1981 - 1983

Public Image Ltd. Studio Rehearsals 1981 - 1983
Sound quality is 'A'.
Info below from the original file, theres more info in it but its all mixed in with garbled ASCII bullsheet, I'm pretty sure I got the nuts and bolts.
Seems these sessions are from rehearsals for the Commercial Zone lp that was shelved and turned into This Is What You Want.
Info below from source:
"Notes: two offer up some interesting unreleased material from what appears to be two separate events. A series of incomplete tracks, possible roughs or demos, assumed to be from Park South Studios in N.Y.C. in prep for the imploding "Commercial Zone" LP. On the other reel we have a tour rehearsal or soundcheck, also undated (82 or 83) and apparently uncirculated. Many Thanks to JJL69, spunk01, and powow for helping identify this material. The ? in the lineage is, as best as could be described, supposed 10" Reel to Reel > Cassette > Cassette, mine being the 2nd gen. No lineage on the reel 2 reel, but close to the original source. The story as told to me is: the UK arm of the American record company that Public Image recorded for had some reels hand delivered from the UK to America sometime in 1983. During that process, the reels were dubbed to cassette, and those were the cassettes that I made copies of (so my 2nd gen tape to you). The reels we could assume to be at least 2nd gen, but thats only a guess. I am unaware if these shows have ever been traded before."
Mp3 audio source: m4a
Covers (single image-itunes/winamp) created by me, thanx original photographer.
101 the Slab
102 Unknown Song
103 Unknown Song
104 Bad Night (rough version)
105 Unknown Song
106 Unknown Song
107 Bad Night (disco version)
108 Unknown Song
109 Unknown Song
110 Unknown Song
111 Flowers of Romance
112 Flowers of Romance
113 Instrumental
201 Unknown
202 Instrumental Jam [based around _Solitaire_]
203 Poptones
204 Flowers Of Romance
205 Instrumental Jam [based around _Solitaire_]
206 Public Image [band stops halfway]
207 Solitaire [band stops again]
208 Low Life [2 attempts at run through]
Public Image Ltd. Commercial Zone

I'm the lucky owner of a 1st pressing of this, white jacket and white labels.
Below taken from wikipedia, coz it's just feckin easier.
Commercial Zone is an album of studio recordings that were released in 1983 by guitarist Keith Levene. Levene fled with the master tapes to America, where he sold the rights for the material and had several hundred vinyl pressings created without consent from John Lydon or the rest of PiL. Levene soon received a cease and desist order from PiL's record label. The album includes several songs that were later re-recorded such as "Blue Water" and "The Slab"(renamed "The Order of Death" for inclusion on This is What You Want...). Frontman John Lydon originally wanted this stripped-down acoustic version played over the end credits of Copkiller (AKA The Order of Death), a low-budget Italian film Lydon had acted in alongside Harvey Keitel.
In May 1981 PIL moved from London to New York City, but in October 1981 their American record contract with Warner Brothers expired and was not renewed. In January 1982 the British music press reported that PIL had tried to record a new album in New York with producers Adam Kidron and Ken Lockie, but split instead - this was promptly denied by the band in a press release the following week.
In May 1982 drummer Martin Atkins rejoined the band and PIL started recording their new studio album for Virgin Records at Park South Studios in Manhattan, with sound engineer Bob Miller co-producing. On 29 August 1982 new bassist Pete Jones joined the band in the studio, the new line-up played its debut concert four weeks later (28 September 1982 in New York City). During the summer and autumn of 1982 the band planned to form their own record label (Public Enterprise Productions) and license its releases to Stiff Records USA for the American market, but these plans never materialized.
In early November 1982 PIL announced the imminent release of a new single "Blue Water" and a six-track mini album You Are Now Entering A Commercial Zone on their new label. This did not happen, instead the band continued recording at South Park Studios for a full-length album.
By May 1983 a new track "This Is Not A Love Song" was earmarked as a new single for Virgin Records, but PIL broke up when first Pete Jones and then Keith Levene left the band. The remaining members, John Lydon and drummer Martin Atkins hired session musicians to fulfill touring commitments and carried on under the PIL name. The single "This Is Not A Love Song" (with "Blue Water" as a 12" single b-side), both from the Park South sessions, was released by Virgin Records in September 1983 and went to no.5 in the UK single charts.
In summer 1983, in PIL's absence, Keith Levene took the unfinished album tapes and did his own mix. He then flew over to London and presented them to Richard Branson as the finished new PIL album for Virgin Records, but John Lydon decided to completely abandon the tapes and re-record the whole album from scratch with session musicians. This new version of Commercial Zone became This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get in 1984.
Levene decided to put the album out himself on the American market and founded the label PIL Records Inc. for this one-off release. The first limited pressing was released in November 1983 and was heavily imported to the UK and European market. A second pressing (with the track listing changed around and a shorter mix of "Bad Night") followed in August 1984 in an edition of 30,000 copies, to compete directly with the official re-recorded album This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get. Virgin Records promptly took legal actions and stopped the distribution and any further re-pressings of Commercial Zone.
Band Line-Up
* John Lydon - vocals
* Keith Levene - guitar, synthesizers (bass on "Bad Night" and "Lou Reed Part 2")
* Pete Jones - bass (on "This Is Not A Love Song", "Mad Max", "Solitaire", "Miller Hi-Life")
* Martin Atkins - drums, percussion
* Bob Miller - sound effects (on "Miller Hi-Life")
Ken Lockie was a member of PIL during the initial recording sessions, playing keyboards, but was dropped from the line-up in September 1982. His contributions, if any, were erased or not used.
The second pressing of Commercial Zone was released around the same time as the official This Is What You Want... album and was generally more favourably reviewed in the music press.
Side A
01 Love Song
02 Mad Max
03 Bad Night
04 Solitaire
Side B
05 the Slab
06 Lou Reed (Pts 1&2)
07 Blue Water
08 Miller High Life
Public Image Ltd. Live Le Stadium Paris December 12th 1978

Public Image Ltd. Live Le Stadium Paris December 12th 1978
Sound quality is 'C+/B-'.
I have a little over 60 Public Image Ltd. shows and I weeded through them all to find the best sounding and OR ones I thought should be included due to time period, dates, set list.
Most of the shows I have are admittedly from 1978 thru 1985 so in all reality the range of time is somewhat limited.
Most of these have a bit of history / info to them, I was given an info file on most of the shows included but I left them on the disk so I'm going from wrapped memory here and if I recall correctly this is one of the 1st Public Image Ltd. shows or maybe one of the 1st to be recorded, either way it's the 1st of something. Or maybe it's just the last one I'll post and the 1st one you'll see.
Mp3 audio source: m4a
Covers (single image-itunes/winamp) created by me, thanx original photographer.
01 Theme
02 Low Life
03 Annalisa
04 Religion
05 Public Image
06 Belsen Was A Gas
07 Attack
08 Problems
09 Public Image (Encore)
10 Annalise (Encore)
Public Image Ltd. Live London Rainbow Theatre December 26th 1978

Public Image Ltd. Live London Rainbow Theatre December 26th 1978
Sound quality is 'B-/B'.
Mp3 audio source: mp3
Covers (single image-itunes/winamp) created by me, thanx original photographer.
01 Theme
02 Low Life
03 Belsen Was A Gas
04 Annalisa
05 Public Image
06 Religion
07 Attack
08 Public Image II
Public Image Ltd. Live Bruxelles Belgium December 20th 1978

Public Image Ltd. Live Bruxelles Belgium December 20th 1978
Sound quality is 'B-/B'.
Bloody hell, this is a 1978 AUD recording, the problem with AUD recordings is that, they're feckin AUD recordings.
This show actually sounds great, I listen to it more so than other PIL shows, the problem is it sounds like you're in a big fucking warehouse and you're in a room thats about 1500 feet away from the band behind an oak door.
Great sound esp the band but the draw back is you think you're outside the venue in the alley smoking pot dropping acid missing the fecking show.
All that said ... in jest a bit, this one I would recommend.
Mp3 audio source: m4a
Covers (single image-itunes/winamp) created by me, thanx original photographer.
01 Soundchecking
02 More Soundchecking
03 Theme
04 Belsen Was A Gas
05 Low Life
06 Religion II
07 Attack (False Start)
08 Attack
09 Cowboy Song I
10 Cowboy Song II
11 Public Image
Public Image Ltd. Live Russell Club Manchester June 18th 1979

Public Image Ltd. Live Russell Club Manchester June 18th 1979
Sound quality is 'B-/B'. As this show goes on it seems to get to "B+". Or maybe its just me ... lets call it a strong B recording.
Mp3 audio source: m4a
Covers (single image-itunes/winamp) created by me, thanx original photographer.
01 Albatross
02 Chant
03 Death Disco
04 Memories
05 Public Image (False Start 1)
06 Public Image (False Start 2)
07 Public Image
08 Annalisa
09 No Birds Do Sing
Public Image Ltd. Peel Session December 1979

Public Image Ltd. Peel Session December 1979
Sound quality is 'A'.
I don't know if this was a 3 or 4 song session but all I have is 3, but then it includes one of my fav Public Image Ltd. tracks, Careering, ok fine I have a lot of all time fav Public Image Ltd. songs .... up to and including "Album" (or cassette or cd which ever/s you own) Public Image Ltd. were brilliant.
Mp3 audio source: mp3
Covers (single image-itunes/winamp) created by me, thanx original photographer.
01 Poptones
02 Careering
03 Chant
Public Image Ltd. Live American Bandstand May 3rd 1980

Public Image Ltd. Live American Bandstand May 3rd 1980
Sound quality is 'C+/B-'.
Honestly I was 10 and I saw this on the TV, it like the Clash that year burned an image in my mind that has never left of freedom and 'punk' (for lack of a better word though the word is a bit of an inslut) rock energy that has at times in my life made me a prisoner and at times filled me with the only permenat family I've ever known, sound.
It was lost on my young self that year how insane it was that Public Image Ltd. was on American Bandstand.
My fahter was a Vietnam Vet hippy motherfucker who raised me without TV until sometime around 8 years old, nothing but music in the house, both instruments and records. Out in the country and my mother working for a radio station with a few "punk" friends who started to expose my lil ass to a movement and sound that would change my life (better or worse is arguable).
Shit I had heard Public Image Ltd thanx to Margie, she exposed me to "First Issue" for my birthday along with a host of others.
I never watched American Bandstand, it wasnt a cartoon or a war movie and I knew that it was pop culture crap (thanx dad) but this new band I was recently exposed to and liked was going to be on ... so my dad and I watched it ....
I had pretty much all but forgot about it in the grand scheme of life until I came acrossed this recording ....
Now I can understand how insane it was for Public Image Ltd. to be on American Bandstand. Kinda lime when FEAR was on Saturday Night Live thanx to one cool ass motherfucker named John Belushi. Now that was a show.
Mp3 audio source: mp3
Covers (single image-itunes/winamp) created by me, thanx original photographer.
01 Dick Clark Intro
02 Poptones
03 Careering
Public Image Ltd. Live La Olympic Auditorium May 04th 1980

Public Image Ltd. Live La Olympic Auditorium May 04th 1980
Sound quality is 'B'.
This is a show taken from cd, I think a regular old fashion bootleg. Track 03 is either missing or else the person who ripped this fecked up the numbering. I dunno.
Mp3 audio source: mp3
Covers (single image-itunes/winamp) created by the bootleggers.
01 Intro Jam
02 Careering
03 (missing)
04 Attack
05 Low Life
06 Chant
07 Death Disco
08 Poptones
09 Religion
10 Bad Baby
11 Public Image
12 Memories
13 Home Is Where the Heart Is
Public Image Ltd. Live Metal Tape Agora Atlanta April 1980

Public Image Ltd. Live Metal Tape Agora Atlanta April 1980
Sound quality is 'B'.
Mp3 audio source: m4a
Covers (single image-itunes/winamp) created by me, thanx original photographer.
01 Fodderstompf
02 Careering
03 Chant
04 Annalisa
05 Poptones
06 Attack / Low Life
07 Public Image
08 Swan Lake
09 Memories
Public Image Ltd. Live New York Palladium April 19th 1980

Public Image Ltd. Live New York Palladium April 19th 1980
Sound quality is 'B'.
Mp3 audio source: mp3
Covers (single image-itunes/winamp) das bootenlargger.
01 Intro Jam
02 Careering
03 Annalisa
04 Attack
05 Low Life
06 Death Disco
07 Memories
08 Public Image
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